Peace and Dignity Run Begins in Borikén

Runners for Peace and Dignity Boriken 2010. (Photo: Amy Ponce)

Borikén/Puerto Rico (UCTP Taino News) – The Borikén 2010 Peace and Dignity Run began on the 17th of July with the sounding of many guamo (conch shell horns) at sunrise in the Yunke Rainforest. A spiritual event, the run is being undertaken to raise awareness about the condition of indigenous scared sites on the island as well as connect native Taino islanders with their mainland relations. At the special opening ceremony, runners received the blessing of elders and other community members as they began an historic journey that would take them to sacred sites all around the island.

The runners – who are representing community members residing on and off the island - have the responsibility to carry a number of sacred staffs representing the “prayers of the people”.

Carrera por la Paz y Dignidad comienza en Borikén

Borikén/Puerto Rico (CUPT Noticias Taínas ) - La Carrera por la Paz y Dignidad de Borikén 2010, comenzó al amanecer del día 17 de julio con el sonar de varios guamo / botutu/ fotutu (trompetas de conchas de caracol), en el Bosque Nacional del Caribe, El Yunke.

Considerado un evento espiritual, esta carrera se ha realizado con el propósito de crear concientización sobre las condiciones de lugares sagrados indígenas en la isla, y a la vez establecer lazos de unidad entre los Taínos nativos de la isla con aquellos hermanos fuera de ésta y con el movimiento de Naciones Indígenas en el continente en general.

Durante la ceremonia especial de apertura, los corredores recibieron la bendición de los ancianos y de otros miembros de la comunidad al comenzar su histórica jornada que los llevará a varios lugares sagrados a través de la isla.

Los corredores, quienes representan a miembros que residen dentro y fuera de la isla, tienen la responsabilidad de llevar consigo un sinnúmero de bastones sagrados que representan "las oraciones de su gente".

Jornada de Paz y Dignidad Borikén 2010

Indígenas de Alaska, México, Argentina, Ecuador, Perú y República Dominicana, entre otras naciones, se reúnen en el Centro Ceremonial Indígena de Tibes de Ponce

Ponce, Puerto Rico - La alcaldesa María Meléndez Altieri anunció hoy la celebración de la Jornada de Paz y Dignidad Borikén 2010, que se celebrará a partir del 19 de julio próximo en el Centro Ceremonial Indígena de Tibes.

Donations Needed

1 July, 2010 

Re: Funding Urgently Needed for Borikén 2010 Peace and Dignity Run 

Takahi Guaitiao (Greetings Relative): 

It is our hope that this message finds you well and in good spirit. We are writing to bring your attention to an historic event that will take place on the island of Borikén (Puerto Rico) this July 17-25, 2010. This event, “The Borikén 2010 Peace and Dignity Run: Road to 2012”, is an indigenous led spiritual run that seeks to raise awareness about the condition of sacred sites on the island of Borikén (Puerto Rico) as well as bring together in solidarity local indigenous islanders with mainland indigenous representatives. 

The Borikén 2010 Peace and Dignity Run is intricately connected to the ancient indigenous prophecy of the Eagle and Condor. This prophecy mandates that Indigenous Peoples of the Western Hemisphere shall reunite in a spiritual way to bring healing to the Nations and a better future for our children and generations to come. The Borikén 2010 Peace and Dignity Run provides a unique opportunity for local communities to honor their indigenous spiritual practices and traditions as well as promote the collective responsibilities we all have to Mother Earth, Father Sky, our communities, and ourselves.