The flight of the Red Tail Hawk will soon end for this 2016 PDJ Journey along with the Eagle the Condor and the Quetzal.

Relatives we are nearing the date for the closing ceremonies of  the Peace and Dignity Journeys 2016 run.
I wish to Thank you all for your support. Theses beautiful prayer runs bring our people together and reunites our spirits to the sacred teachings ,traditions and wisdom of our ancestral heritage. These prayers reunites our hearts and remind us that we are all related as the children of the Sun
These prayers help us to learn, teach and share with each other and humanity respect and love for our mother earth.
So once again I thank all of our supporters :)

I will also at this time respectfully ask that you check the donate button on this page as we need help to purchase the plane tickets for our elders to journey to Panama so they may retrieve our sacred bundle. We funds for our runners to return home at the end of this long  journey.
You can also help by donating fly miles for our people.Please consider and donate.

Please help us  close this year's circle ....please help send the elders to Panama and get our runners back home after months of being away from their families .
We look forward to bringing our Sacred bundle back to our people until 2020 when the Eagle and the Condor once again take flight and our Sacred Red Tail Hawk rises to fly with them.:)

Please help: Press donate link on this page :) Note : you do not need a paypal account to donate
Just go to donate link on this page and follow instructions.
For MO ,checks  and further info re donations :)
Please call # 347-400-0601

Bomatum,Tlazo,Gracias ,Aho,:)

2016 Por La Semilla / For the Seed

The following is the updated dates running through Central America for the Peace and Dignity Journeys:
Guatemala Oct 3-10
El Salvador Oct 10-17
Honduras Oct 17-18
Nicaragua Oct 18-29
Costa Rica Oct 29-Nov 6
Panama Nov 6-14
Closing Ceremony Nov 14-17.

Route of the Red Tail Hawk East Coast 2016